04 dezembro 2006

Esta semana temos Ulteo!

Esta semana sairá o primeiro LiveCD instalável do Ulteo, versão alpha é certo, tal como serão revelados as ideias básicas que estão por trás do Ulteo. Quanto ao LiveCD, serão poucas as diferenças de outros LiveCDs, mas talvez já dê para perceber o que faz o Ulteo ser diferente, diz Gaël Duval.

Eis a newsletter nº1 do Ulteo integral:

This is not yet a real newsletter, but this should be
considered the first issue of the Ulteo Newsletter

[...big snip...]

Recently, we also enjoyed many reports from all the
alpha-testers who were kind enough to have a look at the
first alpha version of the Connected Desktop, a virtual OS
which runs within the web browser, and which is a part of
the Ulteo concept. This information helped us greatly and
it will benefit the future development of the Connected
Desktop. These reports will certainly make it easier to
make the Connected Desktop a better feature for everyone.

But on the 5th or 6th of December, we are going to release
the first installable Ulteo LiveCD (for PC).

At the same time, we are going to unveil the basic ideas
behind Ulteo.

For this first alpha release, be prepared to dive a bit
inside the system to understand the potential of Ulteo. On
the desktop you will find only a few differences with what
you can use or see when compared to a graphical environment
on other distro's. Maybe then you will understand what
makes Ulteo different, and you will start to think about
the next steps of development.

Take care.

Gaël Duval & The Ulteo Team.

Fonte: Planète Béranger


E quanto ganha a microsoft a vender licenças para as editoras de jogos? disso ninguém fala, qt ganhará ms por cada jogo vendido?
Qt é que ganha a playstation por cada consola? e por licença? e por jogo?

Já se sabe que eles n ganham no hardware, mas sim no resto.